This data defines the primary/current address details for an organisation or site. No address start/end dates are published, just the current/active address for each record.

ODS use Addressbase Premium as our address data supplier, it is the industry standard addressing database supplied by GeoPlace.

A PAFAddressBase endpoint populates address data into the ODS database. The PAFAddressBase endpoint combines a daily feed from Royal Mail's Postcode Address File (PAF) with a 6-weekly feed of AddressBase Premium, providing access to PAF validated addresses, with a UPRN appended where one is matched.

Address Data Attributes

Master Data Attribute

(ODS Internal Reference)

Attribute TypeLengthNullableDescription / Notes

Mapping to ODS Data Search & Export field

(excluding predefined reports)

Mapping to ORD API

(ORD schema containers, elements and attributes)

Mapping to ODS STU3 API

Mapping to ODS FHIR R4 API

Please refer to ODS FHIR R4 Implementation Guide and the OAS Specification

Organization ResourceODS Organisation CodeSystem
address1[nvarchar]75NULLPostal address line 1Address Line 1GeoLoc.Location.AddrLn1address.lineaddress.lineproperty.address1
address2[nvarchar]75NULLPostal address line 2Address Line 2GeoLoc.Location.AddrLn2address.lineaddress.lineproperty.address2
address3[nvarchar]75NULLPostal address line 3Address Line 3GeoLoc.Location.AddrLn3address.lineaddress.lineproperty.address3
county[nvarchar]75NULLCounty (not populated for new addresses since 2018 in line with the introduction of UPRN to ODS data)Not availableGeoLoc.Location.Countyaddress.districtaddress.district
country[nvarchar]100NOT NULLCountry (note that the Country for sites is set to reflect the Country of the owning/operating organisation, it is not derived from/part of the postal address of the site. e.g. a site could be located in Wales but the Country will be England if the parent org/HQ is in England)
postcode[nvarchar]75NULLPostcode is a primary address component applied to an organisation. It is used to define it's  geographic location as well as various health and other geographic boundaries.PostcodeGeoLoc.Location.PostCodeaddress.postalCodeaddress.postalCodeproperty.postcode
NULLUnique Property Reference Number (where available). A unique identifier for spatial addresses in Great Britain.





system =
code = UPRN
display = Unique Property Reference Number

