Organisation Data Service : ODS Reference Data Catalogue

NHS England - Organisation Data Service

The ODS Reference Data Catalogue is an evolving resource - please send enquiries and feedback to ODS via: 

The ODS Reference Data Catalogue describes the SCOPE of data published by ODS, what DATA ITEMS an ODS record contains and how data is CREATED or OBTAINED and MAINTAINED.

1. Scope - What data do ODS publish?

ODS obtain, create and publish data relating to the following health and social care organisations, sites and practitioners. Please select an organisation/site/practitioner data type to view further information.

Includes: Organisation and Sites Previously/Also Known as Practitioners Comments
Health and Social Care Authorities and Agencies
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  • Sustainability & Transformation Partnerships (STPs)
  • Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs)

ICB - A subset of Strategic Partnership codes denoted by non primary role RO318. 

Primary role/org type for Sub ICB Locations remains as 'Clinical Commissioning Group' with Sub ICB non primary role. Also includes Commissioning Hubs and Sub ICB Reporting Entities (for London only)

Primary Care
  • Includes GP Practices
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  • Pharmacy COVID Vaccination Sites
GP Practices are a subset of Prescribing Cost Centres denoted by non primary role RO76.
Secondary Care
  • Includes Hospices and Treatment Centres operated by NHS Trusts

Independent Sector / Other
  • Includes Treatment Centres operated by ISHPs
  • Includes Hospices operated by Non-NHS Orgs
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  • Includes Deaneries
  • Includes Care Home & Domiciliary Care
  • Includes Courts, Prisons, Constabularies, Youth Offending etc
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2. Structure - ODS Data Model

ODS High Level Data Model

View the ODS high level data model for further information regarding the data items/components of an Organisation, Site or Practitioner record

3. Data Quality Assessment Framework

ODS Data Quality Assessment Framework

View the ODS Data Quality Assessment Framework for information on ODS data sources, accuracy, timeliness, completeness etc 


4. Further ODS Data Definitions


The Status of a record/relationship in ODS is determined by the legal and operational start/end dates.

Dates Data items include Start and End Dates and information on whether the dates are authoritative (Legal) or supplied to support Operational system requirements.

An attribute of each ODS record that indicates when that record was last updated (or the date created if new).


Where one or more new or existing organisations displace or merge with one or more closed organisations.

Archived or Deleted Records An explanation of the archiving process for ODS records, and how we handle/report details of any deleted/removed records.
ODS Glossary of Terms

A glossary of acronyms and terms used in ODS data.


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