Data Description
This data contains name and address information and identifying codes for Nurse Prescribers working in England. The identifying codes are the Nurse’s PIN numbers, allocated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council when a Nurse qualifies to prescribe.
How Data is Maintained
The NHS Business Services Authority (BSA) collates the Nurse Prescribing data for their own internal use in tracking the prescribing activity of nurses. Information on the nurses and their place of work is provided to the NHS BSA by contacts within the Employer Organisations. This updating is carried out to the NHS BSA’s systems on an ongoing basis, with the NHS BSA supplying updated files to ODS for publication once a quarter.
Nurse Prescribers can have multiple memberships if they work from more than one surgery/GP Practice.
Data Quality Assessment
For further information re the: ODS Data Quality Assessment Framework
Data Quality Dimension | |||||||||||
Last updated: |
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ODS mastered or 3rd party data | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
OVERALL | Frequency of Update | Data Collection Method | Fit for Purpose | Coverage / Completeness | Reliability / Accuracy | Data Agreement | 3rd Party Escalation Routes | System Application / Downstream System Feedback | Future Refinement / Improvement Plan | ||
Nurse Prescriber | AMBER | Red | Red | Amber | Amber | Red | 3rd party | Green | Green | Amber | Red |
Quarterly | Email (csv files) | Legacy dataset but unclear re value and current use cases. Dataset is prescriber driven rather than identifying unique Nurse records. | Only includes nurses who prescribe | Have to use the practice code, start date and Nurse ID to create a composite key (to identify a unique record for a Nurse). Lack of consistency when linking to practice data. | SLA in place and regularly reviewed | Named contacts, regular stakeholder meeting/forum | Limited feedback but we do not feel this dataset has a the same volume of users as org data. Data does not conform with ODS data model for practitioner so requires a lot of manipulation. | Need to determine if ODS should continue to publish this data - who is using it and for what purposes. Links to Master Reference Data Strategy. |
Key Information - Roles, Code Formats and Data Source
Key Information | |||||||||||||||||||
Geographic coverage |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Practitioner ID | Nurse PIN (Nursing and Midwifery Council identifier) | ||||||||||||||||||
Practitioner Type Code | PNURSE | Practitioner Type Name | Nurse Prescriber | ||||||||||||||||
Practitioner Role ID | PNURSEPN | Practitioner Role Name | Practice Nurse | ||||||||||||||||
PNURSECN | Community Nurse | ||||||||||||||||||
PNURSE1 | District Nurse/Health Visitor | ||||||||||||||||||
PNURSE2 | Extended Formulary nurse prescriber / Nurse supplementary prescriber. | ||||||||||||||||||
Raw Data Source | NHS Business Services Authority | Update Frequency | Quarterly | ||||||||||||||||
Code Format |
Permitted Relationships - Practitioner to Organisation
Practitioner Membership | Membership Type Code | Relationship Type Name | Parent Organisation Type |
ME5 | Nurse Prescriber Membership | RO177 / RO76 (GP Practice) |
Legacy .csv File Mapping
PractitionerAttributeTypeCode = 5 for “NURSE PRESCRIBER CODE”
Only includes records where there is an active ME5 (Nurse Prescriber Membership) relationship.
Col | Data Item | Report Alias (Legacy csv) | Notes |
1 | [PractitionerRoleID] | Nurse Type | PN (PNURSEPN - Practice Nurse) or CN (PNURSECN - Community Nurse) |
2 | [OrganisationCode] | Parent Organisation Code | Organisation code taken from the [PractitionerMembershipTypeCode] = ME5, where the [JoinParentOrganisationDate] is the latest date |
3 | [PractitionerAdditionalAttribute] | Nurse PIN | PractitionerAttributeTypeCode = 5 |
4 | [StartDate] | Open Date | The date that supports the ME5 nurse prescriber membership/relationship |
5 | [EndDate] | Close Date | The date that supports the ME5 nurse prescriber membership/relationship. End dates will always be future dates as this file contains active ME5 Nurse Prescriber to practice relationships only. |
6 | NULL | Title | Change from legacy csv: This attribute is not being persisted with. Set to Null |
7 | NULL | Initials | Change from legacy csv: Previously ‘Initials’. Set to null. Surnames and initials have been concatenated for consistency across all practitioner types (see Col 8). |
8 | [PractitionerName] | Surname | Change from legacy csv: Previously Surname. Surnames and initials have been concatenated for consistency across all practitioner types |
9 | [Address1] | Address1 | Practice Name (from ME5 relationship) of the practice that is detailed in COLUMN 2 |
10 | [Address2] | Address2 | The address details that belong to the practice that is detailed in COLUMN 2 |
11 | [Address3] | Address3 | The address details that belong to the practice that is detailed in COLUMN 2 |
12 | [Town] | Address4 | The address details that belong to the practice that is detailed in COLUMN 2 |
13 | [County] | Address5 | The address details that belong to the practice that is detailed in COLUMN 2 |
14 | [Postcode] | Postcode | The postcode that belongs to the practice that is detailed in COLUMN 2 |
15 | [TelephoneNumber] | Telephone Number | As above |
16 | [PractitionerName] | Senior Partner Name | The Practitioner Name that is the senior partner for the practice detailed in COLUMN 2. Is inconsistent within the raw data. Our approach therefore is to derive the senior partner from the parent organisation GP, linking into the GP Practitioner records and identifying the 'Senior Partner' for the practice (as opposed to the Senior Partner provided in the raw data, previously eNurse). |
17 | [PCO_code] | Current Care Organisation Code | Change from legacy csv: Geographic extension of the postcode using the geographies table for the Practice that is detailed in COLUMN 2 |
18 | [GeographyName] | Name | Change from legacy csv: The name of the above Geography |
19 | NULL | Name Manipulation Indicator | Change from legacy csv: This legacy attribute (how nurse prescribers should be addressed in correspondence) is NOT available within ODS DSE or the FHIR4 API. This is due to the inconsistency in the way the same practitioner could be addressed if they work in more than one organisation i.e. 1 (INSERT ‘DR’ & ROTATE SURNAME & INITIALS ON LAST SPACE) |
20 | [PractitionerRoleID] | Qualification Indicator | Change from legacy csv: Previously 1 (District Nurse/Health Visitor) or 2 (Extended Formulary nurse prescriber / Nurse supplementary prescriber). Now populated with either ‘1’ (District Nurse/Health Visitor) or ‘2’ (Extended Formulary nurse prescriber / Nurse supplementary prescriber) (from PractitionerRoleID). Should a nurse have more than one qualification indicator, both will be displayed in this field with a pipe separator. |