Organisation Data Service : ODS Data Quality Assessment Framework

ODS are implementing a Data Quality Assessment Framework (guided by the principles of the Government Data Quality Framework: The Government Data Quality Framework - GOV.UK ( that we wish to share with all consumers of our data. 


To implement and maintain a framework that allows ODS to assess the quality of our data and share that on an ongoing basis with data consumers, and data suppliers. ODS aim to be transparent regarding data quality and any issues we identify with our data, and we want to share our plans and achievements regarding data quality improvements.


ACCESSIBLEAn accessible framework of data quality assessment that ODS will share with data consumers
SIMPLEA simple framework that can be easily understood by ODS data consumers
FLEXIBLEA flexible framework that we can adapt following feedback from data consumers
SUSTAINABLEA framework that is sustainable; ODS will have the resource required to maintain the framework


The ODS Data Quality Assessment Framework currently contains 9 dimensions against which we will assess our data:

1Frequency of UpdateHow frequently the source data is updated. For 3rd party data this can be daily. Weekly, monthly etc, but for ODS mastered data a 'green' standard would be ad hoc / as required or requested.
2Data Collection MethodThe means by which source data is sent to ODS. As part of our Data Strategy we aim to work with 3rd party data providers to modernise ingestions methods as far as possible, establishing API data feeds.
3Fit for PurposeIs the source data fit for purpose in terms of how closely it represents organisation data. A lower assessment will be for contract data or prescribing driven data for example, which is repurposed to meet the requirement for organisation data.
4Coverage / CompletenessConfidence level that the data represents a definitive list of organisations of that type and that each organisation record is comprehensive (no missing data items). Some codes are issued on the basis of downstream need for a code, so coverage is therefore inconsistent.
5Reliability / AccuracyODS assessment of how accurate and reliable the data is - a lower assessment will be due to general data quality issues (i.e. double spaces, special characters, referential integrity issues), and/or where data does not comply with business rules/has had to be manipulated by ODS prior to publication to ensure data conformance.
63rd Party Data AgreementsFor 3rd party data supply only, assessing whether ODS have a current written agreement in place with the data supplier.
73rd Party Escalation RoutesFor 3rd party data supply only, do ODS have establish routes for escalating and resolving issues with source data
8System Application / Downstream System Feedback

Level of feedback received from ODS data consumers that indicates issues with the data.

9Future Refinement / Improvement PlanData quality improvement plans can be developed by ODS for subsets of data causing issues / highlighted by this DQ assessment as requiring improvement. A 'red' assessment could be due to lack of resources or prioritisation within ODS but also, may be dependent on 3rd party co-operation.

ODS Data Quality Assessment Dimensions and Overall Scoring

DQ Dimensions

Each DQ dimension will be RAG rated on the following basis:

1Frequency of Update>WeeklyWeeklyDaily or Ad Hoc
2Data Collection Methodcsv/xlsx files via emailFTP / data download from websiteAPI / Customer Requests via Service Desk
3Fit for PurposeDoes not meet org data definition and causes significant issuesDoes not meet org data definition but is acceptablePurely for the purpose of org identification
4Coverage / CompletenessSignificant gapsGood but not complete as some codes issued on basis of need onlyComprehensive coverage
5Reliability / AccuracySignificant data quality issuesMinor data quality issues No data quality issues
63rd Party Data AgreementsAgreement does not existAgreement in place but requires updateCurrent Agreement in place
73rd Party Escalation RoutesNo reliable escalation route, difficult for ODS to obtain support/feedbackEscalation routes exist but improvements could be madeRobust escalation routes in place and effective
8System Application / Downstream System FeedbackRegular and complex helpdesk calls raised regarding data / org typeHelpdesk calls sometimes raised but issues fairly easily resolvedHelpdesk calls (raising issues) regarding data / org type are rare
9Future Refinement / Improvement PlanImprovements required but no plan in placeImprovement plan in progressWork completed or not required

Overall Scoring / Assessment

A simple scoring mechanism has been applied - each dimension assessed as RED scores 1, AMBER scores 2 and GREEN 3. These are then combined into an overall score.  The optimum score is therefore 27.

The overall score thresholds are currently:-

Overall Score<15>=15<20>=20

ODS Data Quality Assessment Dashboard

This dashboard summarises the DQ assessment for each organisation type. To view the written details that support the RAG rating for each dimension, please refer to the Reference Data Catalogue page for the organisation type in question.

 Data Quality Dimension
Last updated: 


 12345ODS mastered, 3rd party data or mixed6789

TypeOVERALL Frequency of updateData Collection MethodFit for PurposeCoverage / completenessReliability / AccuracyData Agreement3rd party Escalation RoutesSystem Application / Downstream System FeedbackFuture refinement / improvement plan
Health and Social Care Authorities and AgenciesNHS England and RegionsOrgGreen GreenGreenGreenGreenGreenODSn/an/aGreenGreen
Special Health Authorities and sitesOrgGreen GreenGreenGreenGreenGreenODSn/an/aGreenGreen
Strategic Partnership  - Integrated Care BoardsOrgGreen GreenGreenGreenGreenGreenODSn/an/aGreenGreen
Sub ICB Locations and SitesOrgGreen GreenGreenGreenGreenGreenODSn/an/aGreenGreen
Commissioning Support Units (CSU) and Sites (including DSCROs)OrgGreen GreenGreenGreenGreenAmberODSn/an/aGreenAmber
NHS Support Agencies and Shared ServicesOrgGreen GreenGreenGreenGreenAmberODSn/an/aGreenAmber
Welsh Local Health Boards and Welsh LHB SitesOrgGreen GreenGreenGreenGreenGreenODSn/an/aGreenGreen
Local Authorities and Local Authority SitesOrgGreen GreenGreenGreenGreenGreenODSn/an/aGreenGreen
Other Statutory Authorities, Government Bodies and Executive AgenciesOrgGreen GreenGreenGreenGreenGreenODSn/an/aGreenGreen


TypeOVERALL Frequency of updateData Collection MethodFit for PurposeCoverage / completenessReliability / AccuracyODS, 3rd party data or mixedData Agreement3rd party Escalation RoutesDownstream System FeedbackFuture refinement / improvement plan
Primary CarePrescribing Cost Centre (GP Practice) - England and WalesOrgGreen AmberRedAmberGreenAmberMixGreenGreenAmberAmber
Prescribing Cost Centre (GP Practice) - Northern IrelandOrgAmber RedRedAmberAmber


3rd partyGreenGreenGreenRed
Branch SurgeriesOrgGreen GreenGreenGreenAmberGreenODSn/an/aGreenGreen
Primary Care NetworksOrgGreen GreenGreenGreenGreenGreenODSn/an/aGreenAmber
Pharmacy HeadquartersOrgGreen AmberRedGreenGreenAmberODSn/an/aGreenAmber
Pharmacy / DispensaryOrgGreen AmberRedGreenGreenAmber3rd partyGreenGreenGreenGreen
Pharmacy SitesOrgGreen GreenAmberGreenGreenGreenODSn/an/aGreenGreen
Abeyance & DispersalOrgGreen GreenGreenGreenGreenGreenODSn/an/aGreenGreen
General PractitionerPractitionerGreen AmberRedAmberGreenAmber3rd partyGreenGreenGreenGreen
Nurse PrescriberPractitionerAmber RedRedAmberAmberRed3rd partyGreenGreenAmberRed
Private Controlled Drug PrescriberPractitionerGreen AmberRedGreenGreenGreen3rd partyGreenGreenAmberGreen


TypeOVERALL Frequency of updateData Collection MethodFit for PurposeCoverage / completenessReliability / AccuracyODS, 3rd party data or mixedData Agreement3rd party Escalation RoutesDownstream System FeedbackFuture refinement / improvement plan
Secondary CareNHS Trusts and NHS Trust SitesOrgGreen GreenGreenAmberGreenGreenODSn/an/aGreenGreen
Care Trusts and Care Trust SitesOrgGreen GreenGreenAmberGreenGreenODSn/an/aGreenGreen
Pathology LaboratoriesOrgGreen GreenGreenGreenAmberGreenODSn/an/aGreenGreen
Networks, Registries and Military HospitalOrgGreen GreenAmberGreenAmberAmberODSn/an/aGreenAmber
Northern Ireland Trusts and Non HPSS Provider OrganisationsOrgGreen RedRedGreenGreenGreen3rd partyGreenGreenGreenGreen
Hospital ConsultantsPractitionerAmber RedRedGreenRedAmber3rd partyGreenGreenGreenRed
Dental ConsultantsPractitionerAmber RedRedGreenRedAmber3rd partyGreenGreenGreenRed


TypeOVERALL Frequency of updateData Collection MethodFit for PurposeCoverage / completenessReliability / AccuracyODS, 3rd party data or mixedData Agreement3rd party Escalation RoutesDownstream System FeedbackFuture refinement / improvement plan
Independent Sector / OtherIndependent Sector Healthcare Providers and SitesOrgGreen GreenGreenGreenGreenAmberODSn/an/aGreenGreen
Non- NHS OrganisationOrgGreen GreenGreenAmberAmberAmberODSn/an/aGreenGreen
Optical Headquarters and SitesOrgAmber GreenAmberAmberAmberAmberODSn/an/aGreenAmber
Dental PracticeOrgRed RedAmberAmberRedRedMixGreenAmberRedRed
SchoolsOrgGreen RedAmberGreenGreenAmber3rd partyGreenGreenAmberGreen
Education EstablishmentsOrgGreen GreenGreenGreenGreenGreenODSn/an/aGreenGreen
Social Care Providers and SitesOrgGreen RedGreenGreenGreenGreen3rd partyAmberGreenGreenGreen
Health and Justice OrganisationOrgGreen GreenGreenGreenGreenAmberODSn/an/aGreenGreen
Other Application / System / Service ProvidersOrgGreen GreenGreenGreenGreenGreenODSn/an/aGreenGreen

ODS Data Quality Assessment - Review Cycle

There is a 'Last Updated' data at the top left of the DQ Assessment Dashboard that indicates when the scoring was last reviewed by ODS.

ODS will review the assessments on an ANNUAL basis minimum.

If there is a data quality incident, or data source change in the interim, an ad hoc update may be applied, but the Last Updated date will reflect this.